Friday, July 13, 2012


Yesterday went well... at least as far as I know!! LOL Natalie was moving around a lot at first, but the radiologist didn't like how I was positioned anyway, so he came in, repositioned me and then she was much more calm and we started again. She was still awake and moving, but not like previous. It was uncomfortable laying on my back that long and my arms (which had to be over my head) were falling asleep the whole time, so I had to keep repositioning them in between shots. I didnt get to see any images... but I did put in a request for my own digital copy of the images and report. I was told it would take a couple days to get those together and then just however long it takes to get here through the PO... so probably about a week is all. I have an appointment with the neurosurgeon next Friday to go over the images with him and hear what his surgical plan will be. My mom drove up to come spend the day with me, so that was really nice. We had a nice lunch at Red Robin (Yummmm!) and then went to Buybuy Baby (where we are registered) so she could look around. I think my mom enjoyed playing with the toys the best! Haha! I kept trying to get Natalie to let her grandma feel/see her moving around, but (surprise, surprise!) she was being stubborn. Everytime Natalie would start moving around and I would tell mom to look or feel, she would stop! She does the same thing for her dad, so I shouldn't be surprised. :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad it was a good visit and how cool that your mom was there! And wow! Any day where eating at Red Robin is included has gotta be a pretty cool day :-) Loving the blog!!!

