Wednesday, June 27, 2012

21 Weeks

Today marks 21 weeks of pregnancy! In 21 weeks I have grown over 10 inches across my belly button! This past week I can tell she has grown because I can actually feel and see her body lay in my abdomen. Pretty cool... and weird!

Not too much going on today. I got a call from Dr. NcNatt's office to schedule the neurosurgery consult. That will be next tuesday afternoon. Hopefully after we talk to him we will have a pretty complete picture of what delivery and the following NICU stay will look like.

I also washed and prepped all the fabric for the baby's room! I will probably start cutting it either tonight or tomorrow so I can get to work.


  1. Hey there Robin, just read up on the latest happenings. I am happy to see you have gotten connected to all of the resources and plans are being made for Natalie's arrival. Guess what? I was in the wedding of Dr. McNatt to his wife (my friend Judy)He is the nicest neurosurgeon I have ever known. I have been a pediatric nurse for over 20 years now (wow)and loved many kids with spina bifida. We are lucky to live so close to so many great medical centers. What a journey lies ahead abd what a lucky baby Natalie is to have you!

  2. That's so crazy!!! My hubby is so curious to know more LOL
